Being independent and impartial - we find out where your maximum benefit can be gained.
By understanding your energy use and spend, we calculate the optimum solution or range of solutions that is the best fit for your business.
Batteries / Grid Balancing

The National Grid has predicted, in its future energy policy document, that battery solutions will be an increasing feature in their portfolio of measures to keep the frequency balanced in the grid and to keep the lights on.
Demand management is particularly problematical in the winter when business and domestic overlap in the early evening and during advert breaks when a million kettles cause a massive surge for just a few minutes. Large battery banks, housed in freight containers or buildings smooth out these peaks and troughs - we are looking for landowners who would like to profit from this opportunity.
Solar PV - rooftop / ground mount

Since the reduction in Solar PV tariffs, 5 years ago, the Solar industry has been quieter. Many believe that Solar is no longer viable.
They are wrong!
With the reduction in cost of panels and inverters, if you now install just the right amount of solar to make a massive dent in your electric bills but with little excess going into the grid - solar is very much a viable option again.
If you use almost all of the electricity generated - the return on investment through the savings on electricity that you are not having to buy is easily 12%. This can be more depending on the size and nature of the array.
Solar is very much worth it and we are seeing enquiries increase monthly again.
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L.E.D. and lighting control

Lighting is likely to be a significant electricity overhead in your business.
We carry out a survey of each light and the building infrastructure and give you recommendations accross a variety of L.E.D. solutions to achieve the maximum benefit for you. Not simply replacing what you already have, but a taylored solution for maximum saving.
The long-term electric drain of each light is much more important than the upfront cost - our cashflow comparisons of different solutions compare cost/benefit for a range of different lamp types and suppliers.
If you have T8 tubes, tungsen, halogen or halide lighting - with the right choice in L.E.D. lighting they will pay for themselves in well under 12 months.
There are innovations in the lighting sector which are not widely known yet, which will increase your savings by 50% or more.
Don't just buy some lights online - talk to independent, impartial consultants who calculate and procure the optimum solution for your business. With our 1 in 5 out, performance guaranttee, you can be sure of making the right decision.
Renewable Heat

Choosing how to heat your building and which heat source to use, can be difficult.
with many technologies offering viable solutions, which one will be right for your building?...
- Solar thermal
- Air-source heat pumps (which double-up as air-con in the summer)
- Ground source heat pumps
- Biomass boilers from domestic size to Buckingham Palace
- Infra-red concealed wall heaters
- Heat stores using phase-change materials
- Under-floor or wall based
- Hybrid system using more than one technology.
There are new technologies coming to the market all the time and through us you can
access the expertise to steer through this mine-field.
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Energy Surveys and EPCs

With qualified commercial and domestic energy assessors - we can survey your building, analyse your electric and gas use and establish where your biggest savings can be achieved.
If you need an EPC or a BRUKL report or simply want to know where you can reduce your energy spend...
Voltage Adjustment / Demand Side Response

Many businesses are supplied with a voltage much higher than their equipment needs. The result of this is losses in heat, increased wear and tear on motors and other equipment.
Also - because of the mathmatical relationship between Ohms,Volts, Amps and Watts - most business electric bills are 10% - 15% higher than they need to be.
With savings from the Voltage control and additional savings from Demand Side Response (where you are rewarded for time shifting your use of electricity) we can help you understand these concepts and technologies and show you an impressive pay back period of under 5 years.
Tariff Negotiation

Gas, Electiricity, Oil, Water
A service we also carry out for our clients is negotiating the best deals for your utility tariffs. Being independent and impartial and working for you - we can often save you 1.0p off your electric or 0.5p off your gas - so it is well worth us looking at your bills.
And ... with Water deregulated - let us find you the best price for this increasingly expensive commodity.